A spotlight on readers, for those who wish to express their love of reading in the written form, along with a brief synopsis or list of books read, as well as a short biography of the reviewer himself.
Submitted Reader Profiles will be published uncensored.
Thanks for the great website. I must say, before visiting the Readers' Review, I only bought books by well-known authors at my local Barnes & Noble store. Basically I would just pick up a book at the front of the store and hope it was good. But now I realize how important it is to take a more active role in searching out great books by great authors who, unfortunately, do not always get the publicity they deserve.
Thanks again! I will come back to the Readers' Review often, espeically to look at the New Selections page.
Debb from San Francisco, California
I like reading books, any books, espeically big, old fashioned novels. My favorite authors are John Fowle and John Irving. Why aren't there more authors nowadays that write books like this?
I'm sick of the spy novel, the cheesy romance, and the predictable horror story.
Attention Authors! We need something new!
Alan from Detroit, Michigan
It has been reported that 40% of Detroit is illiterate. This, to me, and as a school teacher, is heart-breaking but all too true. What can we do? Everyday I tell my fifth grade class to turn off the television and start reading books.
Thanks for this website dedicated to both authors and readers. Perhaps in the future our culture will turn off the tube and start picking up books again.
Sandy from Fresno, California
I avoid best-sellers like the plague. Why is it that Oprah Winfrey gets to decide what everybody should read? There are many, many lesser-known authors writing great books and I, for one, prefer to search them out. This website is one of a kind.
Clive from Sussex, United Kingdom
What are all of these people complaining about? I fancy a good Wilbur Smith novel. I like Stephen King, too. Also, I love American cinema. To me, modern American literature and modern American cinema are exactly the same. It's entertainment, pure and simple.
Lulu from East Orange, New Jersey
I am a thirty-six year old homemaker. I have two children and three dogs. We live in a nice area. I read a lot, espeically romance books. I like Nora Roberts. She is my favorite. I don't go to the bookstore much. I order books from a bookclub.