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Books by this author:

Windblown Clouds

Books by this author:

The Perfect Pearl

Books by this author:

Sacrifice and the Sweet Life

A Winter Garden

Stones: A Novel of Art, Love, Intrigue and Magic in the South of France

XENOS: A Romantic Novel of Travel and Self-Discovery in the Grecian Isles

The Trouble with Paradise

       T H E   R E A D E R S'   R E V I E W  A U T H O R   P R O F I L E S

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In conjuntion with New Selections, Author Profiles is a place where authors of books in any genre or on any subject can give a brief synopsis of each book written and a small auto-biography of the writer himself.

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Kelly Huddleston

With the publication of her first novel, The Perfect Pearl, Kelly Huddleston enters the arena of contemporary literary fiction. Miss Huddleston's narrative voice is clear and concise, her characters are filled with depth and irony, and her themes are both critical and neoteric. Her prose is blended in the styles of both classic and popular fiction; and her ever-engaging story travels in carefully outlined, concentric circles, arriving on cue at the denouement to reveal a poignant insight.

Kelly Huddleston has been writing since childhood, and her approach to the craft is a fundamantal one. "I try to tell a compelling story, in which the reader can see countless aspects of himself. Each novel must be in some way an allegory of the reader's own experience. The novel must speak to life's critical issues. That is its strength as a literary form."

Colorado born and raised, Kelly Huddleston now resides in Corfu, Greece.

David A. Ross

In each of his works, David A. Ross explores the conflicts and feelings of those whose lives are balanced upon the fulcrum of change, and elicits the courage to confront life's pivotal choices.

A habitual traveler, he writes of diverse geographical settings, (from Hawaii to France, from Greece to the Czech Republic).     

In addition to his career as a novelist, David A. Ross has edited eight published books. He is also an accomplished musician and photographer.

Born January 6, 1953 in Chicago, Illinois, David A. Ross now resides and writes on an island in the Mediterranean.
Books by this author:

Sacrifice and the Sweet Life

A Winter Garden

Stones: A Novel of Art, Love, Intrigue and Magic in the South of France

XENOS: A Romantic Novel of Travel and Self-Discovery in the Grecian Isles

The Trouble with Paradise

Books by this author:

The Perfect Pearl

Thomas K. Shor

Thomas K. Shor was born in 1958 in Boston, Massachusetts. His first modest foray into higher elevations occurred when he went north to attend college in the Green Mountains of Vermont, where he studied comparative religion, philosophy, and mythology.

An inveterate traveler and lover of mountains and their peoples, Thomas K. Shor has lived high in the planet's mountainous realms in such places as Chiapas in southern Mexico, Greece, and the Indian Himalayas. It is there - above 7,000 feet - that he feels most at home, collecting and writing stories.

In the words of Kathleen Raine, renowned and decorated British poet, "His (Thomas K. Shor's) story reminds us that we are, or could be, travelers in a world of marvels, of love, and encounters with men and women themselves on pilgrimages of the imagination."

Books by this author:

Windblown Clouds

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