
Unlike popular book reviews by professional reviewers, the Readers' Review is based solely on reviews by independent readers themselves. The independent reviewer, emphasis on independent, does not need a college education, degree in literature, or be employed by a major national or international newspaper, television or radio station. Of course, some may say that a book review given by a non-accredited book reviewer should be viewed with skepticism or without merit. With this opinion, I strongly disagree. If one is able to read and write, and if one is able to feel strongly about a piece of literature, then one is able to write a credible book review.   

Now to the real purpose of the Readers' Review: It goes without saying that all too often book reviews given by accredited book reviewers that appear either in print and/or on television or radio, or on the front or back cover, or the inside flap of popular paperback books are, to put it mildly, partial - influenced not by the work itself, but by outside sources; i.e. money or expensive lunches, and personal favors. Keeping this in mind, the purpose of the Readers' Review is to maintain first and foremost a sense of credibility, and to solicit uninfluenced reviews from real people, those who, in truth, have nothing to gain or lose by stating their opinion about a piece of literature. To this end, the Readers' Review should be taken as pedestrian but honest; non-accredited but uninfluenced. It is, in essence, a dialog between book-lovers.


To better understand and use the Readers' Review, read the following:


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Unlike popular book reviews by professional reviewers, the Readers' Review is based solely on reviews by independent readers themselves. The independent reviewer, emphasis on independent, does not need a college education, degree in literature, or be employed by a major national or international newspaper, television or radio station. Of course, some may say that a book review given by a non-accredited book reviewer should be viewed with skepticism or without merit. With this opinion, I strongly disagree. If one is able to read and write, and if one is able to feel strongly about a piece of literature, then one is able to write a credible book review.   

Now to the real purpose of the Readers' Review: It goes without saying that all too often book reviews given by accredited book reviewers that appear either in print and/or on television or radio, or on the front or back cover, or the inside flap of popular paperback books are, to put it mildly, partial - influenced not by the work itself, but by outside sources; i.e. money or expensive lunches, and personal favors. Keeping this in mind, the purpose of the Readers' Review is to maintain first and foremost a sense of credibility, and to solicit uninfluenced reviews from real people, those who, in truth, have nothing to gain or lose by stating their opinion about a piece of literature. To this end, the Readers' Review should be taken as pedestrian but honest; non-accredited but uninfluenced. It is, in essence, a dialog between book-lovers.


To better understand and use the Readers' Review, read the following:



Changing at the beginning of each month, New Selections is a list of suggested reading for readers and reviewers. The list of books on the New Selections page is presented by Escape Media Publishers, as well as other publishers, large or small, who pay a $25 fee to have their product(s) listed on this page.
If a reader or reviewer wishes to obtain a copy of a book listed on the New Selections Page, he or she may buy the book available at the location(s) listed by the publisher. Escape Media Publishers will not be part of any money transaction between a reader and said publisher, unless the book is published by Escape Media.

Guidelines and restrictions are few, and all reviews submitted will be published uncensored. Whether an independent reviewer wishes to review a very popular book, a title that no one has heard of before, or a book listed on NEW SELECTIONS, as long as the review is honest to his or her perspective, it will be published.

This is the place to read what independent reviewers have to say about both popular and unheard of books. When available, book covers, retail price, and availability will be displayed next to the review. 

In conjuntion with New Selections, Author Profiles is a place where authors of books in any genre or on any subject can give a brief synopsis of each book written and a small auto-biography of the writer himself.

Submitted Author Profiles will be published uncensored. 

A spotlight on readers, for those who wish to express their love of reading in the written form, along with a brief synopsis or list of books read, as well as a short biography of the reviewer himself.

Submitted Reader Profiles will be published uncensored.