Sacrifice and the Sweet Life is a profound collection of eight short stories, four poems and one vignette by award-winning author David A. Ross.
A lonely and deranged sorcerer; a noon-time Bozo, a local television star; observant and bewildered tourists; angry, drunken cockfighters; obedient anarchists; a guilt-ridden engineer: each one experiences the curious juxtaposition of the two overriding ideas contained within the collection's title.
In 'NL Centrum,' a drug-ruined anarchist proclaims,
"The world theater maintains drama and tension through the perpetuation of greed and injustice and so forth..."
In 'La Sorciere de Seillans,' a driven sculptor is obsessed to "explore the space within the stones," and in 'In Search of the Perfect Former Communist Beach Town,' a malcontented traveler observes, "Some of the locals are a bit surly, Sean, so let's try to overlook ungracious behavior. Just enjoy the shore, the rich red wine and the paprika." One thing is certain, as Giuvanni, the lust-ridden Florentine hotel clerk laments, "In our world, sacrifice is unavoidable."